A site dedicated to songs about London. As simple as that. The only rules are that the songs must be brilliant and that the blindingly obvious numbers are excluded. The songs may be explicitly about London or obliquely about the city in some way. This is a project that was deliberately designed to last for one year. It will remain live for people to explore. So please enjoy discovering the lost and found songs of London, and do please spread the word.
Monday, 19 April 2010
"See the dazzling nightlife grow beyond the dawn and burning in the heart of Soho. Hear the market cries. And see their wares displayed through the window of your soul. Come watch the naked dance that spins before your very eyes. Naked like the sun. Step inside where men before have drunk to fill to senseless till the dreams fade and die ..." The song Soho by Bert Jansch and recorded with John Renbourn will have grown out of the time spent playing in the area's folk clubs in the mid-'60s. It's a time and place I would have loved to be part of. I relish the idea of watching musicians like these, singers like Sandy Denny and Jacqui McShee performing in the intimacy of a coffee house or a pub function room. Of course from this milieu the mighty Pentangle evolved. The works of Pentangle are something I started to explore after the great writer Dave McCullough commented on a similarity between Flowers by Hurrah! and Pentangle's Light Flight. There is a certain London resonance too as Light Flight was used as the theme tune for a TV series about three girls sharing a flat in the Capital ...
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