Tuesday 30 June 2009

Vauxhall to Lambeth Bridge

And so back to the river. Julie Driscoll's lovely song from the Streetnoise LP she made with Brian Auger in 1969 captures that special sense of escape and reflection that can be found while walking by the banks of the Thames. There would many years later be another song about walking along by the banks of the Thames, thinking, searching.
That part of the embankment Julie sings about, the stretch Vauxhall to Lambeth Bridge, is perhaps one of the better sections of the river to walk quietly along now that there's on the South Bank the Millennium Wheel and the Tate Modern. I love that line: "I think of you as I watch Big Ben and I see he's crying too ..."


  1. Wow. You have done a good thing, my friend: I'd never heard of this. How perfect.
    For a suggestion: how about 'Finsbury Park' by the Tribesmen?

  2. Anyone know which side of the river is best for a stroll for this Julie fan and my wife ? W're visiting London in a few days time.

  3. I think it has to be the southside Grec. It's the best way to see the sights and Big Ben winking its eye. Enjoy your visit.

  4. Thanks! Or as they say here, "cheers!"

  5. Looked up the lyrics. Left out were lyrics (by Julie?) as follows:
    When I was a young man, I used to drink ale.
    Right out of the ale house and into the jail house;
    Out of the jail house and into my grave.

    1. Really? That's fascinating. Where did you find the lyrics?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Didn't she live in Vauxhall at one time?
